
Ahmed Nasr Alsayed

I am Full stack developer


I am full stack developer, with practical experience using a vast array of technologies, I have been able to learn how to write code efficiently, improve legacy code and implement new features according to business needs, I am dedicated to perfecting my craft by continuously making strides to learn all that I can about software development.

Technical Skills

  • Express – Sql – Mongodb – postgres
  • Sequelize – Mongoose – prisma
  • React – React Basics – Hooks - Styled components - next.js
  • graphql
  • Html – Css – Html5 – Js – Bootstrap


  • Bachelor degree in Computer Science
  • Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Information System Department
  • Cairo University, Cairo (Egypt)
  • GPA: 2.85 – Very Good

Graduation project : Mafkoud

In past years, when we want to search for lost children or any personal belongings we face a lot of difficulties to find them, nowadays with the revolution of technology this problem became easier to solve it. Instead of going to police stations now we can post for them by one click and find them.


  • Languages : Arabic, English
  • Job-related skills: Self-Study, Self-motivated
  • Charity Projects: Fundraising Member at Fekra(Student Activity in Cairo University), Teaching Member at Umm Dinar Charity

Our Works

I've been a full stack developer for the past 1 year. For more than 4 months I worked remotely full time job. My expertise is in front-end modern framework like React. In addition I have worked on Node projects. and lately, I also worked on projects for different sectors like education , ecommerce, clinics.

Ecommerce App

Mern Stack App

Corona Statistics

React App


Full Stack App


Full Stack App

Keep In Touch

contact us for any
project idea or collaboration or hiring


Am dinar
Giza, Egypt, Africa


+2 (011) 422 677 62   +2 (010) 281 305 54